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Storyteller. Everything I know about life I learned from the wolves.
If you always throw creation out with creator, pretty soon you’re left with a planet empty of art.
Can never have too much breast patting.
Is joy a resource equally distributed? Or is it only for the deserving few?
Worth noting, I kept trying to type “2000 In Review” so I think that tells you what year I’d rather review.
(an incomplete list from a hypertaster) Thank you for coming to my TED talk, you can leave your hate-mail in the comments section below.
All life needs to exist in balance. This is something I am constantly re-learning.
Instead of loading the dishwasher, learn to love yourself as I love you.
The future demands our bravery.
Writer’s block is never a lack of ideas but an overabundance of stress.
I don’t know what’s going to go here yet.